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Professional Adjudicators

Mr Chen Rong-.jpg

Mr. Chen Rong

‧ 香港舞蹈團高級舞蹈員

Ms Irene Lo.jpg

Ms. Irene Lo

‧ Associate Director of Training of Hong Kong Ballet

Mr Leung Chun Long.jpg

Mr. Leung Chun Long

‧ 香港芭蕾舞團群舞領舞員

Mr Rex Chiu.jpg

Mr. Rex Chiu

‧ 香港街舞發展總會創辦人

‧ 香港舞蹈總會理事

Ms Violet Ng.jpg

Ms Violet Ng

‧ Vice-Chairperson of the Hong Kong Dance Federation
‧ The International Dance Organization (IDO) Judge


現場作賽 Competition on stage



Trophies/videos/photos can order now!

*Participating units can check the order details via email

亞洲舞蹈盃2023 POSTER.jpg

現場作賽或 錄像作賽 Competition on Stage or via Video

現場作賽 Competition on Stage
比賽日期及地點 Date & Venue of Competition:

2023年12月26-28日 沙田大會堂演奏廳 *國際賽及本地賽

26-28/12/2023 Sha Tin Town Hall Auditorium *International /Local Competition

截止報名日期 Application deadline: 31.10.2023

***本次比賽賽程(日期、地點、出賽時間、出場次序等等)都由本會抽籤及編排,各參賽單位不可按個人意願選擇。Competition schedule (date, venue, competition time, appearance order, etc.) is drawn and arranged by ASAA,  participating unit could not choose by individual wishes.


In case of The Government HKSAR announce that competition venues were closed, ‘Competition via Video’ will instead of ‘Competition on Stage’ and application fee is non-refundable.

錄像作賽 Competition via Video

截止報名日期 Application deadline: 01.12.2023

上傳錄影日期 Video upload deadline: 03.12.2023 (before 11:59pm)

提交錄像 Method of upload: 上傳方法及連結,將連同比賽資料經電郵發送給參賽單位。
Participants will receive an email for the method and URL

國際賽_舞蹈類別及規格 International Competition Category and requirement.jpg
本地賽_舞蹈類別及規格 2 Local Competition Category and requirement 2.jpg
本地賽_舞蹈類別及規格 1 Local Competition Category and requirement 1.jpg

參賽者須知 Rules and regulations

Participants please study the rules and regulations carefully; who completed the application process agreed to be abided by the rules and regulations of this competition.

1. 所有參賽者均可參加多於一項舞蹈類別、形式及分組,報名費以每個項目計算。

Participants can apply in more than one category, application fee will be charged respectively.

2. 古典芭蕾舞、新古典芭蕾舞、現代芭蕾舞、自創芭蕾舞將界定為同一類別比賽。

Classical Ballet, Neo-classical Ballet, Modern Ballet, Creative Ballet are classified in the same category.

3. 現代爵士舞、當代舞、抒情舞將界定為同一類別比賽。

Modern Jazz, Contemporary Dance, Lyrical Jazz are classified in the same category.

4. 中國舞、民族舞將界定為同一類別比賽。

Chinese Dance / National Dance are classified in the same category.

5. 街舞、韓流舞、嘻哈將界定為同一類別比賽。

Street dance, K-Pop, Hip Hop are in the same category.

6. 12歲或以上女參賽者可選擇穿著腳尖鞋比賽。

Pointe shoes are allowed for the female participants for the age of 12 or above.

7. 兒童舞比賽項目只接受3-6歲兒童參加,舞蹈類別不限。

Children Dance only for the age of 3-6, category is no limit.

8. 參賽者將根據其出生年份分組,虛報年齡者將會被取消資格。

Participants will be grouped by age, false report may be disqualified.

9. 大會接受參賽者同時參加海外賽及本地賽。

Participants were allowed to join in both overseas competitions and local competitions.

10. 大會接受參賽者越級挑戰。例如 : 8歲參賽者可同時參加7-9歲及10-12歲兩項芭蕾舞比賽。

Cross-Aged-Challenge is accepted. eg. 8 years old  participant can  apply for the competition in the age group of 7-9 and 10-12.

11. 如參賽者參加多於一項同類比賽,參賽者須自行安排換裝問題,不排除該參賽者有機會舞接舞出賽。

If participants apply more than one dance in the same category, participants must handle the QUICK CHANGE issue by themselves.  We cannot exclude the possibility of dance after dance for the participant.

12. 單人、雙人及三人只可以個人名義參賽,而小組必須以團體或學校名稱參賽。

Application of Solo / Duo / Trio competition must be under the name of an individual, for group competition must be under the name of the school or organization.

13. 為確保所有參賽者安全,請勿使用有危險性的道具和/或有傷害性的動作。

For safety purposes, dangerous props or movement are prohibited.

14. 所有參賽者必須詳閱及填妥個人資料(私隱)政策中的聲明,所有個人資料只供是次比賽登記之用,並絕對保密。

Participants are required to submit the declaration of personal data (privacy) policy, any information collected will be used for the competition only and will not be disclosed to third parties.


15. 未滿18歲之參賽者,必須得到家長或監護人同意,經確認後方可參加是次活動。

For the participants who are under the age of 18 must get their parents / guardian’s consent.

16. 未滿18歲之參賽者,於比賽前必須遞交「家長或監護人同意參賽通知書」。所有未滿18歲之參賽者必須獲得家長或監護人在報名表上簽署同意。參賽者於收到確認電郵時同時收到附件「家長或監護人同意參賽通知書」,請於比賽前遞交已簽署的通知書;若參賽者未能遞交「家長或監護人同意參賽通知書」,其參賽資格將即時被取消,並不允許參與已報名之比賽;

Participants who are under the age of 18 are required to submit ‘Parents / guardian Consent Form’, participant units will receive the form by email after submission of application. Participants may be disqualified if failure to submit the form.

17. 大會不設上訴機制。

There is no appeal mechanism for the competition.

18. 一經報名,參賽者不可由他人代替參賽,亦不能更改參賽者姓名。

The application is non-transferable.

19. 所有參賽費用均不設退款、轉讓及收據。逾時遞交/即場報名或資料不完整之報名恕不受理。

Application fee is non-refundable and no official receipt will be provided. Late entry, on site application or incomplete information will not be accepted.

20. 名額有限,按組別先報先得,額滿即止。大會亦保留接受參賽與否權利。

Quota is limited. ASAA reserves the right to accept or reject any application.

21. 大會保留提早截止報名的權利,而不作另行通知。

ASAA reserves the right to shift an earlier time for the application deadline.

22. 大會將不允許曾任及現職專業舞蹈員參與。

Professional dancers will not be accepted for competition.

23. 所有參賽者必須於各比賽階段穿著適當之服飾。所有參賽者亦須自備道具(若適用)。

Participants must be in appropriate costume, props are self-prepared. (if any).

24. 若評判認為個別組別之參賽者水準未如理想,評判有權不頒發任何獎項。評判團會保留頒發多個金獎、銀獎、銅獎、優異獎或嘉許獎之權力。

Adjudicators may select more than one gold, silver, bronze, merit or appreciation award.

25. 評判有權就比賽一切藝術事宜作決定及最終裁決;而比賽委員會則有權就一切行政事宜作決定及最終裁決。

Adjudicators hold all rights in marking final decisions of dancing; ASAA hold all rights in marking final decisions of administration.

26. 一經報名參加是次比賽,即表示參賽者已同意並授權本會作出以下安排,大會不會額外通知比賽單位:

Participant who submit entry as agree the following arrangement by ASAA and without prior notice:

• 保留及使用參賽者比賽中之照片及錄像作教育及宣傳用途,包括本會的所有出版刊物、本會網站及社交網站;和

ASAA reserves the right to use any photographs or videos for education or promotion purpose, and

• 刊登及公佈得獎者的姓名及有關資料。

Announce the name or related information of the winner on social media or website.

27. 所有參賽者於出版刊物/網站/社交網站等提及比賽中所獲頒之獎項/名次/獎狀時,必須列明該項目是由本會頒發。

Participants who publish their rank / prize and award in social media / web site / publication should specify it is from ASAA.

28. 參賽者必須確保其體格適合參加是次活動,所有參賽者必須自行負責安排所有保險(醫療及其他),及任何長期或慢性病患和傷患之醫療護理及費用。

Participants are advised to monitor their own physical conditions is fit for competition and arrange their own insurance.

29. 如參賽者於比賽期間發生任何意外或受傷,本會一概不會負責。如有身體不適者,不應繼續進行比賽。參賽者和舞蹈員須為自己的身體狀況負責,並同意承擔參賽風險。如活動過程中出現意外或受傷,大會將以人身安全為先,活動將按情況暫停、延遲或取消。

Participants should be in sound medical condition in the competition and bear their own risk. Participants should immediately stop the activity and seek help in case they feel sick or unwell in the competition.

30. 一經報名,即表示參賽者同意保障本會、其僱員、會員、員工及老師無須負責參賽者在比賽期間引致的身體受傷而引起的任何法律行動、賠償、金錢、責任、損失、破壞及/或引起的開支及支援,亦不會作任何追討。

Each participant agrees to absolve ASAA / producer / supporting organizations from any and all liabilities arising from bodily injuries, accidents, death or other losses during or caused by traveling to and from the competition venue during the competition.

31. 大會有權隨時修改此章程細則,恕不另行通知。

ASAA reserves the right to amend, delete and supplement and rules and regulations of the competition. All changes will only be announced on social media/website without prior notice.


現場作賽 Competition on Stage

32. 本次比賽賽程(日期、地點、出賽時間、出場次序等等)由本會委員會抽籤及編排,各參賽單位不可按個人意願選擇。比賽時間表及作賽資訊將連同場館守則將一同於2023年11月18日電郵各參賽單位。

Competition schedule (date, venue, competition time, appearance order, etc.) is drawn and arranged by ASAA, and each participating unit could not choose by individual wishes. Competition schedule/information/regulation will be sent to all participant units by email 18 November 2023.


33. 2023年12月26-28日    沙田大會堂演奏廳: 國際賽及本地賽

26-28 December 2023      Sha Tin Town Hall Auditorium: International /Local Competition

34. 參賽單位必須於大會指定日期內上載比賽音樂檔案到大會指定連結。(詳情將連同比賽詳情及安排一同電郵及參賽單位)

Participants are required to submit a music file to specified URL. (Details will be emailed to participating units together with competition details and arrangements)

35. 舞台尺寸: 沙田大會堂演奏廳 (18M x 15M)。

Size of the stage: Sha Tin Town Hall Auditorium (18M x 15M).

36. 單人/雙人/三人之參賽單位可安排最多一位領隊老師陪同人士陪同進入後台; 小組之參賽單位均可安排最多兩位領隊老師進入後台。

For the Solo/Duo/Trio, ONE teacher can be admitted to backstage; For Group , TWO teachers can be admitted to backstage.

37. 所有參賽者將獲得門票一張及每個參賽單位老師亦會獲得門票一張,所有門票將於比賽報到時派發。

Every participant and the teacher of each group will each receive ONE complimentary ticket. All complimentary tickets will be distributed onsite when entrants report attendance.

38. 所有比賽時間表及出場次序由比賽委員會決定,參賽者不可提出任何修改。

ASSA holds all rights in the competition schedule.

39. 如參賽者未能於指定時間報到,將會被取消參賽資格。

Participants are required to arrive at the competition venue on time for registration, otherwise who may be disqualified. 

40. 所有參賽者必須於報到時出示有效證明文件(例如:身份證、護照)以核實其身份與報名表無異。若參賽者未能出示有效證明文件,其參賽資格可能會被取消。

Participants are required to produce a personal identity document when they report, otherwise who may be disqualified.

41. 參賽者須自行準備後備音樂源MP3 format。若大會未能播放參賽者早前提交的音樂,將有機會於報到時要求參賽單位提交後備音樂。若當日遞交之後備音樂源也未能播放,本會暨不負責 。

Participants are advised to prepare a duplicate copy of their music in MP3 format in case of any unforeseen conditions.

42. 所有選擇現場作賽的參賽單位,請預先拍攝舞蹈視頻以作後備之用。

Participants are advised to retain a duplicate copy of video of the dance in case of any unforeseen condition.

43. 如場地關閉未能使用,參賽單位會自動轉為「錄像作賽」或放棄比賽。而所有報名費用均不設退款。

In case competition venues were closed, ‘Competition via Video’ will instead of ‘Competition on Stage’ and application fee is non-refundable.


44. 比賽期間須全程在預設範圍或舞台上演出,不得於預設範圍外跳舞、從觀眾席跳到舞台或由舞台跳到觀眾席。

Participants are required to stay on the stage during competition.

45. 亞洲舞蹈盃2023 的所有相/影片之版權均屬本會擁有。為保障各參賽者及編舞者之創作及演出,大會已安排專業攝影師攝影及錄影。參賽者、導師及觀眾均不允許在比賽前台/後台攝影/錄影。

All copyright of the photos / videos in the competition belongs to ASAA. To protect the creation and performance of each participant and choreographer, we arranged professional photographers to take photos and videos. Participants, instructors and audience are not allowed to take photos/videos in the front/backstage of the competition.

46-51項將根據當時政府公佈之規定及要求而更改。Rules 46-51 will subject to the latest government policy announced.

46. 現場作賽單位必需遵守進入場館守則。(場館守則將連同現場作賽資訊電郵與參賽單位)

Participants for competition on stage must comply with the regulation of venues. (The regulation and information will be sent to participants).


47. 大會將安排於每節完結後馬上進行現場頒獎。

Awards will be presented at the end of each section.


48. 單人、雙人/三人 : 證書、獎牌及TOP1/2/3 獎盃(如有)會即場頒發

小組 (4-30人) : 證書、獎牌、團體獎盃及TOP1/2/3 獎盃(如有)會即場頒發。

Solo/Duo/Trio: Award certificate, medal & TOP1/2/3 trophy (if any) will be awarded at the end of each section.

Group (4 - 30 participants): Award certificate, medal, group trophy & TOP1/2/3 trophy (if any) will be awarded at the end of each section.


49. 未有等待頒獎之參賽單位 : 得獎單位之證書、評分紙及獎項將會稍後以順豐到付形式寄出。

For the winner in case of early leave, certificate, scoring sheet or prize will be delivered by SF Express with cash on delivery.


50. 得獎單位如需額外加訂獎盃/證書/影片/相片,大會將完賽後電郵相關訂購詳情與比賽單位。

Participants will be notified by email for the method of order additional trophy / certificate / video / photos.


51. 所有入場觀眾(包括參賽者及領隊導師)必須持有該時段門票才能到觀眾席觀賽。一人一票,憑票對號入座。每場預留門票之手續費為港幣50元一張。預留門票需於12月10日或之前到大會連結提交有關費用及資料。


All audience (including participant and instructors) must hold a ticket for the section for admission. One person per ticket, take the assigned seat. Reservation fee for each ticket is HK $50. To reserve tickets, please submit the proof of payment and details to our URL on or before 10 December 2023. *The URL will be posted via email/FACEBOOK/website later. (In case of The Government HKSAR announces that competition venues were closed, the reserved ticket fee will be fully refunded.)

52. 音樂及舞台事宜 Music & Stage

52a) 每隊比賽音樂/舞蹈長度若超出該項比賽時限,將會被扣減比賽分數。(超時每10秒扣2分,不足10秒亦作10秒計算)。

If the length of each team's music/dance exceeds the time limit of the competition, score will be deducted. (2 points will be deducted for every 10 seconds, any fraction of 10 seconds will be counted as 10 seconds).

52b) 請於2023年11月11日或之前到大會連結提交音樂、同意書及舞蹈相關資料。(連結將於大會確認報名之電郵內發送給參賽單位) *資料包括: 比賽音樂、同意書、舞蹈名稱、舞蹈出場編排、道具圖片及尺寸(如有使用道具)等。

Please submit music, consent forms and dance-related information to ASAA link on or before 11 November 2023. (The link will be sent to participant units with the confirmation email) *Information includes: competition music, consent form, name of dance, dance choreography, props pictures and sizes (if props are used), etc.

52c) 提交之音樂必須註明參賽編號、舞蹈名稱、參賽者姓名/學校名稱、音樂長度 以便處理。

例如: 1111_Silver Fairy Variation_Chan Tai Man_1 min 1 sec。

The submitted music must indicate the competition number, name of dance, participant name/school name, and length of music for processing. For example: 1111_Silver Fairy Variation_Chan Tai Man_1 min 1 sec.

52d) 2023年11月12-21日如有任何遲交/變更/修改/音樂/舞蹈資料,需繳付行政費$150;22-25日如有任何變更/修改/音樂/舞蹈資料,除繳付行政費$150外,該參賽單位並會扣減2分;2023年11月26日起大會不接納任何遲交/變更/修改/音樂/舞蹈資料。

If there is any changes/modifications/late submission of music between 12-21 November 2023, administration fee $150 will be charged; for that between 22-25 November, administration fee $150 will be charged and the score will be deduct 2 points; any changes/modifications/late submissions of music form 26 November 2023 will not be accepted.

52e) 未能於25/11或之前提交比賽音樂/舞蹈/比賽資料之參賽單位將被取消參賽資格,所有參賽費用均不獲退款。

Participant units will be disqualified if they do not submit the music/dance/competition information on or before 25 November 2023; competition fee is non-refundable.

52f) 大會絕不接受於比賽當日提交或更換任何比賽音樂。

We NOT accept the submission or replacement of any competition music on the competition day.

52g) 參賽單位須自行承擔有關版權問題所引致的一切責任。

Participant units must bear all responsibilities arising from copyright issues.

52h) 不得於舞台上使用具攻擊性武器、飛行物品、紙碎、花瓣等。所有舞蹈道具必需先經大會審批,大會有權禁止參賽單位使用不恰當之道具。

Offensive weapons, flying objects, pieces of paper, flower petals, etc. are not allowed on stage. All dance props have to be approved by ASAA, we have the right to prohibit the use of inappropriate props.

52i) 參賽單位需自行攜帶所需道具上舞台。領隊老師/陪同人士可協助參賽者於演出前/後到台上放置及搬離道具。

Participating units need to bring the required props to the stage by own. The team leader teacher/accompanying person can help to carry props on/off stage before/after competition.


52j) 鐘聲響起“叮”一聲,司儀會讀出參賽編號及舞蹈名稱; 同時參賽者準備演出;鐘聲響起“叮叮”兩聲; 音樂隨即播放。

The bell rings 1 time, the emcee will read the competition number and name of dance; participant should ready for performing, the bell rings 2 times; music will be played.

現場作賽主要時序表 Timeline for Competition on stage.jpg

錄像作賽 Competition via Video

53. 為保持比賽公平,錄像比賽之參賽影片必須於2023年3月1日至2023年12月3日期間拍攝。大會不接受已往拍攝紀錄或已往參賽片段作賽。

For Competition via Video, videos are required to take between 01 March 2023 and 03 December 2023, videos will not be accepted if it was used for other competitions.

54. 參賽者必須於2023年12月3日 晚上11點59分前成功上傳比賽影片到大會指定網上連結,逾時上傳將被取消資格,大會將不會作額外提醒或通知。

Participants are required to submit a video of the dance to specified URL on or before 11:59PM 03 December 2023, late submission may not be accepted.

55. 所有提交的視頻必須採用以下格式和拍攝條件: 

Please make sure the video is submitted in a correct format:

- 視頻必須拍攝正面。Video are required to take in front.

- 從視頻開始到結束攝影機始終保持靜止。Camera is required to be stable.

- 提交的視頻中不允許進行視頻編輯或音頻編輯。Edited video will not be accepted.

- 提交的視頻中沒有特殊效果和學校的標識(例如:徽標,標牌,標語或類似內容)。Video must not contain special effect or school name / badge.

- 視頻圖像必須處於“清晰”狀態,不允許有任何特殊效果或攝像效果。 (例如:景深效果,放大或縮小,淡入或淡出,平移或傾斜)。Video are required in original and clear.

- 僅接受視頻格式:avi,mov,mp4,mkv 。 Accepted video format: avi,mov,mp4,mkv

- 參賽者只能提交一個視頻。Each participant can submit ONE video only.

- 如參賽者上傳多於一個視頻,大會只會使用最早提交的視頻作本次參賽視頻。ASAA will use the earlier video if more than one video is submitted.

-上傳檔案名稱必須根據以下格式: 參賽編號+參賽者英文姓名 (例如: BS032 CHAN TAI MAN). Video file name are required in the following format: Participation No. + Participant’s name (eg. BS032 CHAN TAI MAN).

-如果提交的視頻不符合上述條件,該影片將不被接受並取消比賽資格。Participants may be disqualify if the video format is incorrect.

56. 參賽者/單位之證書、評分紙或獎項會以順豐到付形式寄出。

All of the certificate, scoring sheet or prize will be delivered by SF Express with cash on delivery.

57. 賽果公佈: 2024年1月30日於亞洲體育及藝術文化協會網頁及社交平台公佈, 同時會以電郵形式通知各參賽單位。

Results Announcement: Results will be announced on 30 January 2024 in the following pages and all of the winners will be notified by email.


Facebook Page: ASAADanceCup


評分準則及獎項 Scoring and Award
◆ 評判會以參賽單位之舞蹈結構、題材、創作、 技巧、 音樂及表演 (包括合作、儀態及表達 )作為評分準則。
Adjudicator will score based on the structure of dance, theme, creativity, technique, musicality and performance.


There are Gold, Silver, Bronze, Merit or Appreciation awards in the competition.

評判將根據分數及表現,有機會於每個組別選出TOP1、TOP 2、TOP 3各一名。

Top 1, Top 2, Top 3 may be chosen in each group by adjudicators according to the score and performance.
金獎 Gold Award: 90分或以上者 Score at 90 or above
銀獎 Silver Award: 85分至89分者Score between 85 -89
銅獎Bronze Award: 80分至84分者Score between 80-84
優異獎Merit Award:71分至79分者Score between 71-79.
嘉許獎Appreciation Award:70分或以下者Score at 70 or below

單人、雙人/三人形式 Solo/Duo/Trio

- Top 1/ 2/ 3: 參賽單位可獲頒發獎盃乙個 (評判將根據分數及表現,有機會於每個組別選出Top1/2/3各一參賽單位)

Top 1 /2/ 3: Trophy will be awarded to the participant unit (may be chosen in each group by adjudicators according to the score and performance).

- 金獎 : 可獲頒發得獎證書乙張及獎牌乙個;證書及獎牌上均印有參賽者姓名和組別。

Gold : Award certificate and medal will be awarded; participant’s name and category will be printed on the award.

- 銀獎、銅獎或優異獎 : 可獲頒發得獎證書乙張及獎牌乙個;證書及獎牌上均印有參賽者姓名和組別。

Silver / Bronze / Merit : Award certificate and medal will be awarded; participant’s name and category will be printed on the award.

- 嘉許獎: 每位可獲頒發證書乙張。

Appreciation : Award certificate will be awarded, participant’s name and category will be printed on the certificate.

Participants will be notified by email for the method of order additional trophy / certificate / video / photos.

小組 形式 (4 30人 ) Group (4 30 participates)

- Top 1/ 2/ 3 : 參賽單位可獲頒發獎盃乙個 (評判將根據分數及表現,有機會於每個組別選出Top1/2/3各一參賽單位)

Top 1 /2/ 3 : Trophy will be awarded to participant unit (may be chosen in each group by adjudicator according to the score and performance)

- 金獎、銀獎、銅獎或優異獎 : 每位參賽者可獲頒發得獎證書乙張及獎牌乙個,證書及獎牌上印有參賽者名字及組別。機構/學校可獲頒發印有機構/學校名稱的得獎證書乙張及獎盃乙個。

Gold / Silver / Bronze / Merit :Award certificate and medal will be awarded to each participant. Award certificate and trophy will be awarded to the organization/school.

- 嘉許獎 : 每位參賽者及機構/學校可獲頒發證書乙張。

Appreciation : Award certificate will be issued to each participant /organization/school, the name and category will be printed on the certificate.
***得獎單位 : 如需額外加訂獎盃/證書/影片/相片,大會將完賽後電郵相關訂購詳情及比賽單位。參賽者可自行決定訂購與否。

Participants will be notified by email for the method of order additional trophy / certificate / video / photos.

藝術發展之星獎(導師/機構/學校可獲發水晶獎座一個)Star of Art Development (Trophy will be award for instructor / school / organization)
金獎 - 導師/機構/學校 推薦60個或以上的學生參加是次比賽 Gold – 60 or above participants recommended
銀獎 - 導師/機構/學校 推薦45個或以上的學生參加是次比賽 Silver – 45 or above participants recommended
銅獎 - 導師/機構/學校 推薦30個或以上的學生參加是次比賽 Bronze – 30 or above participants recommended

傑出指導導師獎 (導師可獲發證書乙張) Best Instructor Award (Certificate will be award to instructor)
獲金獎的參賽者之導師,可獲頒發證書乙張。 Instructor of the participant who gains Gold will be awarded a certificate.

*如合資格獲得藝術發展之星獎及傑出指導導師獎,大會將於完賽後透過google form供得獎者導師申請。證書/水晶獎座之費用全免。得獎導師證書/水晶獎座將以順豐到付形式寄出, 詳情將完賽後電郵通知得獎單位。 For the teacher who are eligible to obtain the Star of Art Development Award or Best Instructor Award, please apply through google form after the competition. Certificate/Trophy is free of charge. The certificate/trophy will be sent by SF Express on delivery by cash, and the details will be email to the eligible unit after the competition.

參賽費用及付款方法 Application fee and payment method
參賽費用 Application fee
「現場作賽」及「錄像作賽」之參賽費用相同 Application fee of “Competition on Stage” and “Competition via Video” are the same
單人 Solo: HK $590

雙人或三人 Duo / Trio: HK $450 (每位參賽者 Per participant)
小組(4-30人) Group (4-30 participants): HK $290 (每位參賽者Per participant)

*報名費以每個項目計算。For each category

付款方法 Payment method
1. 請將報名費轉賬至「Asian Sport and Art Cultural Association」戶口:
- 中國銀行:012-688-2-011143-9
- 轉數快識別碼: 161960661 Bank transfer to
「Asian Sport and Art Cultural Association」account:
- BOCHK (A/C# 012-688-2-011143-9)
- FPS Code: 161960661
2. 報名時需上傳付款證明 Please upload the proof of payment in submit application

* 轉賬後請保留付款證明,直到比賽完結 Please keep the proof of payment until the end of competition
收據 / 入數紙必須寫上以下資料 (圖像必須在上傳之圖片中清楚展示) Proof of payment should be included:
(1)參賽者/團體/學校/機構名稱 Name of Participant / School / Organization
(2)舞蹈類別 Category
(3)年齡組別 Age group
(4)聯絡電話 Contact Number

附加行政收費Additional Administrative Fees.jpg

其他 Other information

1. 成功遞交報名表格後,大會將於 5 個工作天內發出確認報名電郵。

After submitting the registration form, we will send a confirmation email within 5 working days.

2. 如需額外加訂獎盃/證書/影片/相片,大會將完賽後電郵相關訂購詳情及比賽單位。參賽者可自行決定訂購與否。額外訂購之獎盃/證書將以順豐到付形式寄出。

Participants will be notified by email for the method of order additional trophy / certificate / video / photos. Additional trophy / certificate will be delivered by SF Express with cash on delivery.

3. 請於大會提供的連結內填上正確的收件資料(參賽者姓名、收件人姓名、地址、電話)。大會將跟據所填資料安排速遞。完成寄件後會以電郵形式發送速遞追蹤碼給參賽者。

Please provide accurate details of the recipient (participant’s name, receiver’s name, address, contact number), express delivery will be arranged accordingly, participants will be notified the air waybill number afterwards.

比賽查詢 Enquire

如對比賽有任何疑問,歡迎電郵至 / Whatsapp 56326148查詢。

Please feel free to contact us by the email address / Whatsapp 56326148 if you have any queries.

​比賽相關資料一覽  Related information


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