Payment method
1. 請將報名費轉賬至「Asian Sport and Art Cultural Association」戶口:
- 中國銀行:012-688-2-011143-9
- 轉數快識別碼: 161960661
**一切費用,只接受轉數快、自動櫃員機 / 網上銀行轉賬,如使用銀行櫃檯入數,本會將收取每次$30手續費,必需保留入數紙或成功轉賬之屏幕截圖作付款證明。
Bank transfer to「Asian Sport and Art Cultural Association」account:
- BOCHK (A/C# 012-688-2-011143-9)
- FPS Code: 161960661
* If use bank counter to do transaction, need to pay $30 additional handling fee*
2. 報名時需上傳付款證明
* 轉賬後請保留付款證明,直到比賽完結 *
收據 / 入數紙必須寫上以下資料 (圖像必須在上傳之圖片中清楚展示) :
Please upload the proof of payment in submit application
*Please keep the proof of payment until the end of competition*
Proof of payment should be included:
(a)Name of Participant / School / Organization
(c)Contact Number
***If participant can not provided valid proof of payment, ASAA will not be accepted the payment***
只接受ATM自動櫃員機轉賬、網上銀行轉賬、轉數快、支票 或 銀行櫃檯入數(如使用銀行櫃檯入數, 需每次加付$30手續費),必需保留入數紙或成功轉賬之屏幕截圖作付款證明。
Accept ATM transfer, online ebanking transfer, FPS, cheque payment, or Bank counter transfer only (If use bank counter to do deposit, need to pay an additional $30 handling fee per once), please keep the bank slip or screenshot of successful ebanking / FPS transfer as proof of payment.
***內地/海外人士: 如需要 SWIFT code 匯款,可電郵至info.asiansaa@gmail.com / Whatsapp +852 5632 6148 查詢。
Mainland / Oversea: Please email info.asiansaa@gmail.com / Whatsapp +852 5632 6148 to get SWIFT code if need.
1. 在網上報名前,請確認:
- 已詳閱比賽之「規例與條文」內之所有內容。
- 只接受 ATM 自動櫃員機轉賬、網上銀行轉帳、轉數快、支票銀行櫃檯入數(如使用銀行櫃檯入數, 需每次加付$30手續費),必需保留入數紙或成功轉賬之屏幕截圖作付款證明。
- 入數紙或屏幕截圖,須註明參賽者/團體/學校/機構名稱、參賽組別及聯絡電話。
Before Application, please make sure:
- Study the rules and regulations.
- Accept ATM transfer, online ebanking transfer, FPS cheque payment, or Bank counter
transfer only (If use bank counter to do deposit, need to pay an additional $30
handling fee per once), please keep the bank slip or screenshot of successful
ebanking / FPS transfer as proof of payment.
- Name of Participant / School / Organization, category and contact number should be marked on the bank slip or screenshot.
2. 報名前請準備:
- 參賽者身份證明文件圖片檔(如學生手冊、回鄉證、護照)
- 比賽費用付款證明
Please prepare the following document:
- Participant’s proof of identity (eg. student handbook, ID card, passport).
- Proof of payment
***If participant can not provided valid proof of payment, ASAA will not be accepted the application***